Privacy Transformation - Issue 233

Curated privacy news, insights & resources, with a focus on Irish and EU developments.


EU squeezes Meta on personal data use for targeting ads

The European Data Protection Board HAS adopted a binding decision that will ban Facebook and Instagram owner Meta from using the personal data of users for targeted ads without their explicit consent.


US announces 'strongest global action yet' on AI safety

The White House has announced what it is calling "the most significant actions ever taken by any government to advance the field of AI safety". An executive order from President Joe Biden requires Artificial Intelligence developers to share safety results with the US government. It places the US at the centre of the global debate on AI governance.

Greek DPA to rule on AI systems in refugee camps

A forthcoming decision on the compliance of surveillance and security systems in Greek refugee camps could set a precedent for how AI and biometric systems are deployed for ‘migration management’ in Europe.


France and Germany increasingly drift apart on digital sovereignty of cloud sector

The recent announcement of “a new, independent cloud for Europe” by Amazon Web Services has underlined the growing divergence between the positions of Paris and Berlin regarding digital sovereignty in the cloud sector.

🔗 RELATED: EU Commission’s “multi-cloud strategy” raises consistency questions

The New Era of Social Media Looks as Bad for Privacy as the Last One

The slow-motion implosion of Elon Musk’s X has given rise to a slew of competitors, where privacy invasions that ran rampant over the past decade still largely persist.


UK DPA: Information Commissioner’s Office issues three fines totalling £170,000 for illegal direct marketing

Three companies offering financial services have been fined £170,000 collectively by the Information Commissioner’s Office for illegal direct marketing under the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations.

EDPB Urgent Binding Decision on processing of personal data for behavioural advertising by Meta

On 27 October, the EDPB adopted an urgent binding decision instructing the Irish DPA as lead supervisory authority to take, within two weeks, final measures regarding Meta Ireland Limited and to impose a ban on the processing of personal data for behavioural advertising on the legal bases of contract and legitimate interest across the entire European Economic Area.


📑 European Commission: EU model contractual AI clauses to pilot in procurements of AI

These standard EU model contractual AI clauses have been drafted by the public buyers community and have been made available for public organisations wishing to procure an AI system developed by an external supplier.

📗 Generative AI: The Data Protection Implications

This guidance has been prepared by the Confederation of European Data Protection Organization’s AI and Data Working Group. [Read Paper]

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