Privacy Transformation - Issue 254

Curated privacy, security & tech news, insights & resources with a focus on Irish and EU developments.


France’s latest foreign interference bill questions democratic control over surveillance services

In the wake of the terrorist attacks in 2015, France passed a sweeping Intelligence Law which empowered its intelligence services to install devices on telecom infrastructures using algorithms to detect suspicious behaviour online. At the moment, intelligence services are only allowed to detect suspicious behaviour related to terrorism, however an upcoming vote aims to expand the scope of the Intelligence Law to foreign influence. The bill is expected to be discussed in the Senate in April.

🖋 A view from Brussels: EDPS sends signal on data transfers

Two weeks ago, the European Data Protection Supervisor dropped a bombshell in the data transfer world. In short, the EDPS issued two orders against the European Commission: the Commission must suspend all data flows resulting from its use of Microsoft 365 to Microsoft and to its affiliates and sub-processors located in countries outside the EU/EEA not covered by an adequacy decision and must bring its processing operations into compliance through corrective measures imposed by the EDPS.


📘 CNIL: Practice guide for the security of personal data - 2024 edition

The practice guide for the security of personal data aims at reminding the safety measures to be put in place. This new version overhauls the previous guide and introduces new factsheets, including ones on artificial intelligence, mobile applications, cloud computing and application programming interfaces (APIs). [Read Guidance]

📕 ENISA: Foresight Cybersecurity Threats For 2030 - Update 2024: Executive Summary

This is the executive summary of the second iteration of The “ENISA Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030” study that represents a comprehensive analysis and assessment of emerging cybersecurity threats projected for the year 2030. The report reassesses the previously identified top ten threats and respective trends whilst exploring the developments over the course of a year.

Have an interesting article, book, video, podcast or other resource that you would like to share with your fellow privacy practitioners? Please do drop me a note!